The best recipes for learning French

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The best recipes for learning French
Here are 5 delicious recipes from French cuisine, chosen for three main reasons:

All of them are dishes of French origin and an important part of the identity of French-Indian cuisine
All the ingredients for these recipes are available everywhere and can be found easily.
They are easy and simple recipes and can be created with new ingredients or removing some of them including whatever allows with your taste and desire.
These recipes will help you as they allow you to learn this new language, which shows distinctive phenomena in your daily meals!

First recipe: Galette Complète

Galette Complète is a type of bread dough or crepe made from wheat, and is sometimes called crepe Breton after most of Brittany in France, or crepe de Saracen, meaning “wheat crepe”, as it is filled with cheese, slices of meat and eggs. It is also called "Crêpe Salée" in Paris.

Some French words to use in this recipe:

Crepes → Crepes, pancakes

Saracen → buckwheat

Fromage → Cheese

Viand → meat

Offs → eggs

Galette de sarrasin complète œuf, jambon et gruyère


The plant has succeeded as easily as in Brittany! Take half the buckwheat whole and quickly with egg meat, man meat and dwyer to take medicine with family or friends. It will serve as a green salad with a vinegar effect or a few slices of insects, Facebook for a new snack.


4 personnes.

Crêpes de sarrasin. 4.   


4 tranche(s) de porc.

Fromage râpé
 4 poignées

1. Café

1 pincée (pincée

1 pincée (pincée)