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Natural herbs to relieve sore throat and cough

Publication date: June 26, 2020 | 5 min read

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Modification date: October 15, 2023
Sore throat results from a bacterial or viral infection. It causes pain that gets worse when swallowing. It is often accompanied by a cough. It affects daily life and can cause difficulty sleeping at night due to feeling pain and recurring coughing. A group of natural herbs can be used to help relieve the pain of sore throat and relieve the symptoms of coughing and coughing, and also help in speeding recovery.

Here are the most prominent natural herbs to relieve sore throat and cough:

 1 the topic
2 Chamomile
3 Mint
4 The ring
5 Cinnamon
6 Thyme
the Garlic
7 Marshmallow roots
8 Licorice roots
9 Green tea
10 Sage herb
11 Slippery elm plant
12 Turmeric
13 Ginger
14 Echinacea herb
15 Dogweed


Chamomile is considered a natural soother for the throat, as it has anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants. Its benefits can be obtained by drinking it as chamomile tea or inhaling chamomile steam, as it helps stimulate the immune system to help the body fight the infection that causes sore throat.


Mint is known for its ability to relieve inflammation and feel comfortable, and it can be used to reduce sore throat, as it is rich in menthol, which helps reduce mucus and soothe inflammation and cough. Peppermint also contains anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, and a mint drink can be consumed to treat sore throat. Inhale peppermint oil, but it must be diluted with a carrier oil first, such as olive oil, sweet almond oil, or coconut oil. This is done by mixing 5 drops of peppermint oil with one ounce of carrier oil.

The ring

Fenugreek has many health benefits. Fenugreek seeds, topical fenugreek oil, or fenugreek drink can be used to treat sore throat in a natural way, as it helps relieve pain and get rid of bacteria that cause irritation or inflammation. Fenugreek also has antifungal properties, but it is recommended not to consume it. Pregnant woman for fenugreek.


Cinnamon has a distinctive taste that many people prefer. It is also rich in antioxidants and antibacterials, and helps treat colds and flu and relieve throat pain. A cinnamon drink can be made by adding cinnamon powder to boiling water and drinking it. You can also add skim milk or milk to it. Almonds or add honey to sweeten.


Thyme contains many important elements and antioxidants that help relieve cough quickly and can help treat sore throat and bronchitis. To make thyme tea, add two teaspoons of dried thyme to a cup of hot water, steep it for 10 minutes and then drink it. Ivy leaves can be added to it for more benefit.

Read also: The medicinal benefits and uses of thyme

the Garlic

Garlic contains natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. When garlic is crushed, it releases allicin, an organic compound known for its ability to fight infection. Therefore, eating garlic can help prevent infection with viruses that cause infections in the throat.

The best way to eat garlic and treat a sore throat is to chew it or take a slice and suck it for 15 minutes, and this may be difficult for most people. So to make it easier to eat garlic, you can chop it and add some honey or olive oil to it, and you can also mix it with a few other vegetables to make vegetable juice.
Marshmallow roots
It is called the marshmallow or marshmallow plant, and it is a perennial herb characterized by its yellow roots and white flowers. The marshmallow root contains a mucus-like substance that helps soothe a sore throat. A marshmallow root drink can be made by adding some roots to a cup of boiling water, and this drink is consumed. Two to three times daily, but diabetics should consult a doctor before taking it, as it may conflict with diabetes medications, because the marshmallow plant may have an effect on reducing blood sugar levels.

Licorice roots

Licorice roots help relieve sore throat. Licorice root tea can be consumed or used in gargling by mixing these roots with water, but pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using licorice roots because it may pose a risk to the health of the fetus.

Green tea

Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants. It also has natural anti-inflammatory properties and may help relieve sore throat. It also contains many other health benefits that may improve overall health and help speed up healing. To drink green tea, it is prepared in the traditional way of making tea, or it can be used as a gargle for several seconds and then spit out, and this process is repeated 2 to 3 times as needed.

Read also: Benefits of green tea for abdominal pain

Sage herb

Sage is used in cooking. It also helps in losing excess weight. It also has many medicinal uses, as it helps treat infections and relieve throat pain. Sage is made like tea by adding its leaves to boiling water and leaving for 5 minutes, then rinsing. Filter it and eat it.

Slippery elm plant

The slippery elm plant can be used to reduce throat pain and treat infections, as it extracts a mucus-like substance, and when mixed with water, it will turn into a smooth gel that helps soothe the throat. To use it, add slippery elm to boiling water, stir it, then eat it.


Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and is also an antiseptic, thus relieving throat pain and irritation. Turmeric is available in the form of a yellow powder, which is dried and ground. It can be prepared as tea after adding it to boiling water and leaving it on a low heat for several minutes, then it is filtered and eaten. Honey can be added to sweeten it and add more nutritional value to it.


Ginger helps relieve throat pain, and has an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, as it works to kill bacteria that cause infection. Ginger has a special taste. A ginger drink can be made by placing its roots in water on the fire until it boils, then leaving it for 10 minutes. Covered, the drink is filtered before drinking it, and it is recommended to sweeten it with honey and add lemon juice for more benefits.

Echinacea herb

Echinacea herb is also called echinacea, which works to fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. In addition to treating sore throats, the echinacea herb has many other health uses to get rid of various infections, such as urinary tract infections and others. The echinacea herb can be made in the same way as the previous herbs. For more benefit, it is recommended to mix the sage herb with the echinacea herb and soak them in boiling water for 30 minutes and consume it. It can also be used as a throat spray to help soothe pain and inflammation, as it is sprayed every two hours or as needed.


Kennel is an herb rich in antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore it can be used as a treatment for sore throats and colds. It can also relieve mucus and coughs. Kennel is taken as an herbal drink by adding it to boiling water.