Chocolate puff pastry pie, step by step with pictures

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Chocolate puff pastry pie, step by step with pictures

Chocolate puff pastry pie, step by step with pictures. We present to you from my lady’s kitchen the easiest recipe for chocolate desserts that taste very good. Learn with the steps and pictures the easy way to make it, and always serve it on your guest table.


- Puff pastry dough: a package (rectangular shape)
- Chocolate: bar (hazelnut flavor)
- Egg yolk: 1 piece (beaten with a spoon of vinegar)

Step by Step

The first step 

is to spread the puff pastry dough slightly, then place the chocolate mold in its middle


The second step

Cut the dough from the edges using a sharp knife into equal-sized slices

Step Three: 
Close the dough over the chocolate with slices and transfer it to the oven tray


The fourth step

Grease the dough with egg yolk, then place the tray in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes until it browns and acquires a golden color. Presented to you.

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